Monday, July 15, 2013

Blogpost 5: A.D.H.D

What is ADHD ? Is it a disorder  ? Is it contagious ? Is it related to changing moods ? Well it will be answered later but first i want to share some experience about ADHD.

I have a friend and his brother have ADHD at first i was like: "what is adhd ?" then he said "It's a behavioral disorder" Soafter that I was like: "Ow, okay" then as I have met his brother I noticed that he's brother is acting strange but it's my opinion to what I see. I said that because he's brother is like he can't be in 1 position or place he always needs to run, jump, play, and talk and talk and talk.. He's so active more like super active I even noticed when he is playing with his friends after playing his friends were so tired and exhausted but my friend's brother was like "I wanna play

more !" he's like he never get tired even though he played for some hours. STRAIGHT. It's like it has added extra burst of adrenaline in his body. Then there is one thing that hit my curiosity about my friend's brother and that is after playing his brother's mood started to change rapidly. When his friend's said goodbye he's irritated to them all of a sudden. I asked my friend if there are things that could worsen his brother's situation. He said "I think there are things that could worsen or emphasize my brother's disorder" so as my curiosity risen up I read topics about what could worsen or affect a child that has a ADHD.

I read the article of Stephanie Watson entitled  "ADHD, Food Dyes, and Additives"  in the site 
"artificial food colorings can worsen ADHD symptoms such as inattentiveness and hyperactivity. And if you have a child with ADHD, you may have considered cutting out dyes and other additives from their diet.Before you make any dietary changes, here are a few things you should know about the link between food colorings and ADHD."

So parents should be aware to what their child eats everyday because some of the foods that their child is taking / eating might worsen up the disorder. Stephanie Watson  also said; still in her article "ADHD, Food Dyes, and Additives"in the site 

"The possible connection between ADHD symptoms and food dyes started with San Francisco pediatrician and allergist Benjamin Feingold. In the early 1970s, Feingold noted that hyperactive kids became calmer when they ate a diet free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives."

So food dye can affect someone with ADHD or in some cases it can also worsen it up like give too much hyperactivity or something. Maybe my friend don't know that food dye or some foods can affect his brother's situation.

Anyways, to all people who happens to know someone with ADHD Please be aware of what the are eating cause it might be bad for them. And try to warn them about foods that they should avoid. 

And of course for parents who have a son/daughter with ADHD please be patient to them understand that sometimes they change moods rapidly. And try to examine foods that they are intaking in their body.

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