Friday, August 2, 2013

Blogpost 7: Mania

In the past few post is all about depression. Let's talk about something else, M.A.N.I.A. What is mania ? mania is a state of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, arousal and energy levels. It is also the opposite of my past few posts called depression. In addition to mood swings, people may be prone to the highs of mania if they are exposed to drug intoxication (such as stimulants, cocaine, and methamphetamine) also if you read my previous post about bipolar disorder you can see that mania is associated with bipolar disorder where the episodes of mania may alternate with the episodes of depression. Mania is not a disorder itself but rather a part of bipolar disorder and mood swings.

one article by Marcia Purse which she entitled: "Symptoms of Mania" in the website she said:
"Mania is the hallmark of Bipolar I disorder, and hypomania of Bipolar II and Cyclothymia. Some of the symptoms of mania and hypomania are behaviors that others can easily observe; other symptoms occur in the mind of the manic person and are not visible, but are often reported to others."
what she said was right, mania is associated with bipolar disorder. Mania can be easily observed within people who have manic depression, bipolar disorder, and etc. people who has mania may experience lack of interest in sleeping and eating. They lack interest in sleeping because of too many thoughts are going through their minds, For me it's hard to have mania because I'm the kind of person that wants to sleep all day.

Suggestions ? anyone ? well I can suggest something when we encounter some people who get irritated with us let's just understand them first maybe they have mania or they did not get enough sleep, we should not be rude on people with this kind of disorder.